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Moving? Include virtual visitation in child custody agreement


Life is already complicated enough as it is, but add in issues like parenting and divorce and things can get so much more difficult. This is especially true when it comes to balancing child custody and work or family obligations. Sometimes, life simply requires that a Texas parent live far away from his or her child, but there are solutions to bridging these distances.

Visitation becomes difficult when a parent lives a significant distance from a child. While the parent might be able to see the child on a handful of major holidays or during school breaks, this is not necessarily enough time to establish and maintain meaningful bonds. This is where technology makes things easier. Virtual visitation gives parents an avenue to continue engaging with their children on a regular basis.

Virtual visitation involves more than just scheduled video chats. Many child custody agreements that involve this form of visitation also require that custodial parents encourage these virtual visits and make technology reasonably available. They must generally also allow their child to have uncensored communication with their other parent, which could be through private phone calls, emails, text messages, social media and more. Even swapping private messages on platforms like Twitter could be covered by virtual visitation.

Moving is sometimes a necessary part of life, but that does not make it feel any easier for a divorced parent who is leaving Texas. Luckily, technology makes it easier than ever to stay in touch. By including virtual visitation in a child custody agreement, parents can be sure that their relationship with their child will not suffer because of physical distance.

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