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February, 2020 | McNutt Law Firm PLLC


Child custody battles are becoming more common

On Behalf of Law Offices of Jacqueline R. McNutt | Feb 12, 2020 | Child Custody

Divorce changes a lot of things, most often for the better. Most people feel much happier after leaving bad marriages behind. Some even find that going their own way is easier on finances. But other changes are harder, especially for parents who are stuck in child...

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Divorce changes a lot of things, most often for the better. Most people feel much happier after leaving bad marriages behind. Some even find that going their own way is easier on finances. But other changes are harder, especially for parents who are stuck in child...

How Social Security benefits factor into divorce

On Behalf of Law Offices of Jacqueline R. McNutt | Feb 5, 2020 | Divorce

It usually feels like there are a hundred tiny little details to think about during divorce. For example, property division is much more than one process to think about. People in Texas really have to think about the financial implications of certain assets, like the...

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It usually feels like there are a hundred tiny little details to think about during divorce. For example, property division is much more than one process to think about. People in Texas really have to think about the financial implications of certain assets, like the...

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